May 4th: My last violin recital. Thursday lessons from 4:30-5:30pm ended on May 3rd, 2012, with my wonderful violin teacher, Don. He's been such an inspiration in my life. It was sad to end it, but my final recital was one of my best solo performances ever. I played Accolay's Violin Concerto in A minor. Look it up; it's a beautiful piece.
By the way, I took these pictures with my fabulous new DSLR! I'm officially obsessed. |
June 3rd: Final Student Council banquet at a local park. Five years of being in Student Council, working in committees, setting up for dances, countless Blood Drives...all done.
June 4th: Academic Awards Night. I got to see one of my favorite teachers being inducted into the Hall of Fame for my town (Ms. Sten-Rog, you rock!). Also won a $1,000 scholarship for a violin solo recording I sent in, another $1,000 academic scholarship, and a $500 from my town's elementary PTA. My parents were very happy!
June 5th: "Hammies," or informal award ceremony for Theatre students (Tech and Actors alike). The event was held at one of my best friends' houses. Consisted of sunburning while playing volleyball, swimming in a pool, eating like high schoolers eat, and enjoying time with our Theatre directors, one of whom is leaving for Arizona next year for his PhD. I also hand printed the wall in the theatre with paint, a tradition done for decades at my school.
June 6th: Here it is, guys. Last day of high school EVER. First hour, orchestra, consisted of a small group of us practicing the Brandenburg Concerto for the graduation commencement tomorrow. Second hour, CIS Spanish 5, we took a reading assessment exam from the U of MN. My Spanish teacher hugged me and gave me a gift. Too sweet, that woman! Third hour, Independent Study Spanish Lit, I already finished so I went to the library and hung out with a good friend. After that, we were set free to the soccer fields to enjoy Famous Dave's BBQ sandwiches, volleyball, yearbook signing, and picture-taking. From 5pm-10pm, I went to my Orchestra teacher's house for a senior party. More volleyball, sunburning, and yearbook signing ensued.
And tomorrow, back to waking up at 5:50am! I get to arrive at school at 8:00am for graduation rehearsal, then the commencement begins at 5:30pm. After that, I am going to the Senior All Night Party (literally, 10pm-6am), sleeping on Friday, and back to work on Saturday morning. Then, it'll hit me. No more high school. College starts August 19th. All of these moments have made my day. They've made my year a great one. It's strange to feel like it's all ending so abruptly. Everything will change--hopefully for the better. College will be amazing, but it's hard to leave behind so many "made my day" moments and memories. It's been great, Class of it all begins.
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