Monday, July 25, 2011

7/24/11 - The Day I Lost My Friends

Yesterday was the day I finished watching Friends. I started this little quest of mine to watch all the episodes of Friends about two summers ago. I ordered the seasons on Netflix and would watch practically a disk a day in the summer and a disk a week during the school seasons. But yesterday it all ended when I finished the last episode of season 10. Friends is one of my absolute favorite shows! I was so sad that my journey was over, but every single episode made my day!


  1. I know what you mean, I was heartbroken when I watched the last episode. I still miss them <3

  2. I know! Who knew you could get so attached to a tv show?

    After I watched the last episode, I watched some of the special features, which included a "look back" into the past seasons. And after seeing clips from the first or second season, I wanted to watch all the episodes all over again! But after I hijacked my family's Netflix queue for almost 2 years, I figured I probably shouldn't. ; )
